Pactus 0.18.0 Released


Pactus Blockchain Version 0.18.0 is now available for download. This release includes a graphical user interface (GUI) that is suitable for both beginners and experienced users. It also includes a command-line interface (CLI) for advanced users and wallet software that allows users to interact with the blockchain without the need to sync the entire blockchain.


This version has significantly improved the syncing progress. The syncing process concurrently requests blocks from 8 different peers and actively connects to the most optimal peers for downloading the blockchain.

Additionally, users can now import private keys into their wallet and securely encrypt them using their wallet password.

Breaking change

For Unix-based systems, please note that the working directory for root users has changed from /pactus to /root/pactus.


This version has been implemented for Testnet-2 and is being prepared for the upcoming Mainnet launch. To start using Pactus Blockchain Testnet-2, download the latest version from the download page and join the Testnet.

These guides can help you to download, install and configure your node:

How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Uninstall the previous version and install the newer version. If you are using the archived version, simply use the new version.

After you update the node, the configuration file will automatically get updated, keeping the old settings. If you want to return the configuration file to its default settings, just delete the current config file and restart the node.

Change log

This version includes several changes and improvements, such as:


  • implement pip-14 (#841)
  • sort wallet addresses (#836)
  • grpc: endpoints for creating raw transaction (#838)
  • network reachability API (#834)
  • implement pip-13 (#835)
  • subscribing to libp2p eventbus (#831)
  • implement helper methods for wallet address path (#830)
  • logger: adding rotate log file after days, compress and maxgae for logger config (#822)
  • enable bandwidth router metric (#819)


  • network: refining the connection limit (#849)
  • corrected mistake when retrieving the reward address (#848)
  • config: restore default config when it is deleted (#847)
  • cmd: changing home directory for root users (#846)
  • removing BasicCheck for hash (#845)
  • disabling libp2p ping protocol (#844)
  • build docker file (#839)
  • sync: ignore publishing a block if it is received before (#829)
  • network: subscribing to the Libp2p event bus (#828)
  • sync: ignore block request if blocks are already inside the cache (#817)

You can find the full list of changes on Github, as well as the source code