On this page you can find how to download and get the latest version of the Pactus software.
🏗️ Compile from Source Code
Project Pactus is distributed as open source software, so the preferred way for installing it is to clone the source code from the GitHub repository and compile the source code.
Instructions for compiling Pactus is provided on the install page.
⬇️ Download Stable Releases
You can also download the latest stable releases of Pactus. These releases are updated automatically when a new version is released in GitHub repository.
GUI releases
Be aware that the precompiled binaries are not shipped with any code signing certificate. Most probability in Windows and macOS the downloaded binaries are detected as untrusted application.
Once you have downloaded the Pactus GUI, you may follow this tutorial to set up and run your node: How to run Pactus in Graphic Mode?
CLI releases
Downloader script
For Unix-like systems [e.g., Linux, macOS, or MSYS2 on Windows], there is a downloader script available. This script can download the archived file, verify it, and extract it for you. To use it, simply run the following command in your terminal:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSL ---/pactus_downloader.sh | sh
🐳 Docker Container
Advanced users can get the Pactus docker image from Docker Hub.
You may follow this tutorial to set up and run your node using Docker: Run Pactus using Docker