Transaction Fee

Transaction fees in the Pactus blockchain are calculated using a percentage-based fee model. The fee is a percentage of the transferred amount, within a minimum and maximum range. The percentage, minimum fee, and maximum fee parameters are part of the blockchain consensus parameters.

The formula to calculate the transaction fee is as follows:

\[\begin{align*} fee = amount \times percentage \\ \\ fee = \begin{cases} & fee_{min} & \textbf{ if } \ fee < fee_{min} \\ & \\ & fee_{max} & \textbf{ if } \ fee > fee_{max} \\ & \\ & fee & \textbf{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align*}\]


Currently, the fee fraction or percentage is set to 0.01%, the minimum fee is set to 0.000,001 coin, and the maximum fee is set to 0.001 coin.

  • If Alice wants to transfer 2 coins to Bob, she needs to pay 0.000,2 coins as transaction fee.
  • If Alice wants to transfer 0.000,2 coins to Bob, she needs to pay 0.000,001 coins as transaction fee.
  • If Alice wants to transfer 20 coins to Bob, she needs to pay 0.001 coins as transaction fee.