Dev Report pre-testnet2

September 24, 2023
Dev Report pre-testnet2


there is several activities in Pactus github in September month, here is a clear report and explain of activities.

Implementing PIP 2, 3 and 4

After starting Pactus Labs and PIPs, we start implementing each accepted PIP one by one to improve Pactus, here is a list of implemented PIPs:


There is some very good change and new features for Pactus network module, this list contain a list of important changes in Pactus networking:

gRPC and nanomessage services

We also updated, improved and enhanced gRPC and nanomessage services for better developer experience, for third-party and side project developers, here is some changes:

Refactoring and other new feature or debugs

We had some not implemented feature request, not fixed bugs and some issue with new golang version, list of this changes: